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My name is John Alexander. I have been creating and sharing my works online for many years under the name 'SirJohn'. I find inspiration

in the world around me, in human behavior... and the dark recesses of the mind. The world is filled with people painting landscapes and flowers...

I am not one of them.

My approach to art is often quite simple. Sometimes I am experimenting with new techniques, trying to create something interesting

and pleasing to the eye. Other times I will think about something all day at work... sometimes even for weeks, and on certain

occasions, years before actually beginning a project. Many of my images are simply digital representations of visual thought. The dark

side of life weighs heavily in my work. Many of my images you may be able to look at and relate to in some way. My work is inspired by

things quite human. My images cover many different spectrums of human emotion and behavior. Fear, anger, despair, doubt, vulnerability...

there are many themes to be found here.

This website is my way of sharing my vision. Maybe you can find inspiration in some of my images. Sometimes it is not the images

themselves that create the deepest impact, rather the thoughts that spring from them upon viewing. If I can make you wonder... if I

can make you think... if I can make you breathe a sigh of relief... I have not wasted my time or yours. Thank you for taking the time to

visit. Any feedback that you wish to give is greatly appreciated. Enjoy your trip through my world!

-John Alexander (aka SirJohn)

SirJohns World is where the unique vision of artist John Alexander (aka SirJohn) comes to life. The original artwork found in the many galleries of SirJohns World could best be described as Dark Surrealism . For fans of surrealistic art, SirJohns World will provide many thought provoking experiences. If you would like to purchase original artwork, please check out the Purchase prints section for more information. Welcome to my world!

This site last updated 12-24-24. See News page for details.

Contact the Artist/Webmaster:sirjohn12_1999@yahoo.com

All images contained in this website are the exclusive property of
John Alexander.
Copyright ©:2024 and beyond. John Alexander